Global AlcHep – A Worldwide Study on Alcohol-associated Hepatitis
Global AlcHep, a big data network, is a global initiative that aims at developing a large multinational de-identified clinical database in alcohol-associated hepatitis . If you need RedCap access, please contact us at the e-mail: globalalchep@gmail.com.

Our aim is to create a centralized database registry that captures the main demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with Alcohol-associated Liver Disease and Alcohol-associated Hepatitis at a global level, enabling large-scale studies to identify the main trends and determinants of clinical outcomes. Read the letters below for more information.
Real-time Updates
Know the latest news and current situation of participant centers and patients included in our large cohorts.

Our Research
Access to our latest research and reviews in alcohol-associated liver disease and alcohol-associated hepatitis.
Our latest publications:

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”

“Although alcohol is a well-known cause of liver disease, there are many things to discover yet”